Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The 2009 Results are in: There's a new KING of Chili in Franklin

As you know, we totally rigged the entire chili cook-off this year. All of the voting was fixed and unless you were in our family, there was little chance for you to take home the coveted chili pepper necklace, crown and kings cape. When all was said and done, Mr. Ken and Mr. Tom gave up their awards graciously and even helped the new king put the garb on!
Rather than dismiss the rumors of ballot fixing, we thought it best to go ahead and acknowledge that we rigged it! Forget the fact that everyone voted for the winners.. it was rigged... :)
All kidding aside, we really enjoyed everyone being here. The weather could not have been nicer and the Titans win sure made it much easier to take too!   Congrats to all of the winners!!!
Thanks for coming,
Tom and Cheri

BEST LOOKING (most appetizing appearance)
1st - Carrie McBrayer
2nd - Katie Winn
3rd - Sue Dunn

1st - Chris McBrayer
2nd - Kathleen Shaw
3rd - Mike Conrath

Most Creative
1st - Katie Winn (25 votes)
2nd - Carrie McBrayer
3rd - Six chili's with one vote each (#1,3,5,10,11,24)

Best Overall (the big winner)
1st - Michael Winn
2nd - Sue Dunn
3rd - Carrie McBrayer

L to R:  Kathleen Shaw, Mike Conrath, Katie Winn, Michael Winn, Sue Dunn, Chris McBrayer, Carrie McBrayer

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