Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving Tradition Follows the Chili Cookoff

Each year, the Mutz family is nice enough to host a big "Turkey Fry" at their home. 2007 saw three pots going at once!! Somehow, the trash talk from the Chili Cookoff was dug up from the past and reactivated. Here's a synopsis (in order)...
MARK MUTZ: (the invitation)

It's time to start exercising the BIRD!

The Mutz tradition of dropping and drinking the Turkey will continue this year! At around 8am, Thanksgiving morning, I will again be lighting the burners and shuffling up the cards for those of you who might like to participate. I think I am going to be doing at least 6 birds already, so get in the que now so we can arrange the demise of your bird early. The earlier you eat dinner, the quicker your bird gets dropped!

My only request is that if you would like your bird cooked, you tell me ahead of time so I know how many to plan for (please, if you want me to inject it, let me know as well. If you do it yourself, please leave off the rubs and outside seasonings until after the bird is cooked, it keeps the oil from burning!). As we have done in the past, we will also be frying other things like oysters, shrimp, a pickle or two, and who knows what else.

So come and be a part of our traditional Thanksgiving Day event and watch a little TV, play a little poker, and of course, drink a little turkey. You are on this email because we consider your friends, so we would love to have you here.


TOM LIDDELL: (post event, thanks)

Sincere thanks to the Mutz family for great start to a Thanksgiving Day!
Mark and Robin were up early and working hard again this year. They had three fryers going and all were cooking was timed to the second. Not only did Mark cook, but if you neglected to inject your turkey, he was prepared for that too! Robin prepared enough food to feed a small army. As usual, everything was great!!
Thanks again for another great year!!
Tom, Cheri and the kids
TRIP GLANKLER: (Offers his family's sincere thanks, then fires a chili bomb at Ken Harb from the deck cannon)
We were so thankfull and flattered that y'all asked us to be a part of the tradition, and even went to the trouble to replicate the cookin we are used to! We truly felt welcomed to the neighborhood! Now Robin, I must confess that Alcee told me on the way home that the gumbo "was even good, and that Carolina girl did real good"! (For historical/culinary perspective,the Trahan's have been fixin gumbo since 1837 when they hit Ellis Island). I was supposed to eat lunch at 12:30 after eating all that great stuff! That was a problem, but an ok one. Oh, and what a relief to get away from the "Its all about me" Harbilations......
Just one moment Trip, it still remains all about me. Where the heck do you think that great Cajun flavor (sausage) came from in that gumbo? No, not Santa Clause, NO, not the boogy man, and NO not from you. It came from my special sausage I provided, which I smoked in my back yard for 18 days using only virgin wood from the Great Smokey Mountains in TENNESSEE. You see Trip, only with Tennessee Hickory smoke can a gumbo taste as good as Ms.Robins, did. Only a true South Carolina, Southern Bell (Ms.Robin) could develop the skills and knowledge essential for the perfect gumbo. True, Ms.Robins thanksgiving Gumbo was perfect.
Trip, in fact, gumbo was developed in the Carolina's. It was only when those Louisiana boys came up to visit did they "claim" it as their own.
So, Trip, in the end, we are all "Fruit" and YES, it remains all ABOUT ME..... ME........ ME and my sausage smoking capabilities.
AKA, the Chili KING!!!!

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