Monday, October 29, 2007


Well, as the saying goes, "it's all over but the crying...

All of the winners are posted below this note.
WANT TO SEE all of the photos? Find the link on the left...

The night started out with a special greeting arranged by defending champs "Tom and Ken." They apparently placed signs throughout the neighborhood that stated "Chili Drop Off", which was great, EXCEPT they pointed everywhere, but to the Liddell house (that's one way to win).

Then they made their grand entrance dressed as the "twin kings" of Chili, complete with velvet capes, crowns and plastic (oops, I mean gold) staffs! Some attendees were confused by this and suggested that one of them be named "Queen of Chili." It was finally decided that since they are self proclaimed "partners" that co-kings would be acceptable, although some still protested and offered up the title "Co-Queens."

The chili was all placed on the kitchen table in crock pots. Shortly after the event started, MTEMC reported a "brown out" in the area due to all of the plugs and cords.

Chili Pot #13 drew great interest. This pot was very small and frankly, looked a litte weird out there with all of the big boys. Although little was known about this special pot, rumors quickly circulated that it was the special "Creek Bottom Chili" that we had all heard about! Many tried this unique blend of ingredients, only to find out that it was Cinnamon Oatmeal and Chocolate, HA...

There were many fine appetizers, great wines that many brought to share and Janine Moore's famous sausage bread made it's annual appearance as well.

Then it was time for the voting...
Each guest was issued a set of three voting chips and asked to put their choice on the chip for Hottest, Most Creative and Best overall. You can see the winners in a separate list posted just below this one. When it came time to announce the winners, rather than tell you the details of the dirty trick pulled on Tom and Ken, we'll let you watch the videos.

Not content with their simple victory, Tom and Ken had to put leaflets on all of the attendees cars telling them that they were "Looooosssszzzzzerrrsss" (I think that's how they spelled it).

We sincerely appreciate everyone coming and sharing all of the great food. We can't wait until next year!! Rumor has it that Mike Rogers is already out scraping the creek!

Best Wishes,
Tom and Cheri Liddell

1 comment:

Glank said...

We had a great time with all of our new mid-tenn's,and are looking forward to more competitions,cookouts, and good food!And now that I know a little more about those mid-tenn palates, I can better stratagize for the ultimate chili-attack next year......