Members of the Nobel Chili Committee, Wenches and Naives
I am happy to be here today with you to receive the Nobel Chili Award for Peace.
I feel honored, humbled and deeply moved that you should give this important
Award to a simple man from Tennessee. I am no one special.. But I believe the award
is recognition of the true value of altruism, love, compassion and non-violence teachings of Buddha and Green PEACE.
I accept this award with profound gratitude on behalf of the oppressed everywhere and for all those who struggle with simple recipe comprehension and concoction of award wining chili.
This award reaffirms my conviction that with Truth, Courage and Ego as our weapons
Chili Contests will not change my national or cultural identity. It is always about me.
I come first and foremost. The universe revolves around me and man’s laws do not apply or restrict me as I calculate and systematically strategize my next move.
Any demonstrations on your part are in vain and will be crushed with brutal suffering for decades to come. It has been foreseen that in the year of the “MONKEY” the Chili King
AKA. Ken Harb will rule for forty years, because violence can only breed more violence,
You’re suffering and constant struggle must remain non-violent and free of hatred for me.
Last year I elaborated on my Chili Expansion, I believe the ideas I expressed that evening are both realistic and reasonable although they have been criticized by some
in the lower societies as being too conciliatory. Though you have not responded positively to my suggestions, which included important concessions. If this continues
I will be compelled to reconsider my position.
Like Hell I will,
You Can Just kiss My Chili
BACK TO BACK to the Third Power
I have not even broken a sweat yet, and my power and ego are well directed at your ignorance, as well as the pursuit of inflicting pain onto others in my selfish ideals of promoting my happiness and world dominance.
Even you can cultivate a universal responsibility for me on this planet we share. I am convinced that you can develop a good heart toward me, me, me, and not consider me your enemy under this Chili Dynasty and Dictatorship.
Yours to Show Eternal Love and Gratitude,
AKA. Ken Harb the Chili King-2007 (B to B to B)
This also applies to the other Nobel “Gentle Giant” from far away lands who continues to express his allegiance with me to abate the lower classes from any uprising – year after year after year… Tom Malinosky
But it is still “ALL ABOUT ME> ME> ME…
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