Michael Winn, Enjoying his crown, cape and pepper necklace
2008 Chili Cook Off Video Compilation (Click it TWICE if necessary)
The Kings Win Again!
That's FOUR straight titles for the Kinks of Chili (2008)
A few of the 15 Chili Entries from the 2008 event
Dancing Chickens
From the new "Some Kind of Meat" category (2008)
The 2007 Mutz Turkey Fry
Sometimes you have to click the play button > twice.
THE 2007 COOKOFF compilation video
Be sure to stick with this until you see the photos at the end. Thanks to all that attended... your chili was really the best ever!
ALL OF the 2007 Photos have been posted
You can click on the link below and find all of the photos from the 2007 chili cookoff. They're posted at Walgreens.com. There you can sign up for a FREE account and if you choose to, you can order photos for quick pickup at the Walgreens nearest you!
A CHEATER has been caught!
That's right folks, we're sorry to report that a CHEATER has been caught! See the video for details....
Patti takes the fight to the street (give it time to load)
Be patient... give the video time to load. Also, you have to push the arrow button "twice" on most of these videos.
Patti Shelby makes a stop at the house (see the video)
Give this video time to load... Patti has a message for Ken and Tom.....
Illegal Pre-Event Practice perhaps?
We checked, looks like they're legal after all!
The 2006 Winners Were...
It went like this: We were about to give out the awards, we made Ken REMOVE the coveted Chili Award from his neck (he won in 2005 too). Watch the video to see what happened next.. (his knees got a little weak)
The Coveted Chili Crown!
This award goes to "best overall" each year.
Harb and Malinoski
Defending Champs from 2006
Tom Molinoski Chillin
Or is he out on the deck passing gas?
2006 Chili Champs for Most Creative
Kathleen and John Shaw
Hottest (by far) in 2006 was
Bill and Jayne Milton
Hiding from the madness...
Katie Liddell tries to "just try some chili" without contestants lobbying for her vote!
Recipe Secrets??
No way, nobody gives up their secrets!
Ken Harb with his better half, WAY better
Ms. Anna is the best Harb!
The two O's -- Norton that is...
What is she doing to him? Hope it wasn't chili influenced!
Pots Galore
That's how you do it, bring your chili in an unmarked crock pot
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