Sunday, October 21, 2007

Illegal Pre-Event Practice perhaps?

The judging committee was able to obtain a photo (on the right) of Ken H and Tom M actually "practicing" their recipe in advance.

There were some questions about this... Is it legal? Is it covered by the rules of the OCCJC (official chili championship judging committee).

After some research, it was determined that YES, they can do this! That may be their secret.. refinement!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the real working world, my office is geographically positioned right smack-dab-between the offices of Habanero Harb (aka Chili King) and his Sous-chef, Malinosky the Magnificent. So, what does that have to do with pesos, peppers and chili pots, you ask???? It makes me either a guinea pig or sucker by circumstance.

Fair warning! Not sure what was in that trial run we had for lunch today, but competitors be warned. A repeat performance should be expected. There will be a fire extinguisher on hand, right? sb